Sheree Davis
SVP, Program Director
BreckGen Non-Standard Auto Program
Background & Experience
Sheree has more than 30 years of insurance industry experience with significant operations, underwriting, and management skills. She leads the Breckenridge General Agency (BreckGen) non-standard auto insurance program launched in Texas in 2021.
Previously, Sheree was Vice President of underwriting and operations for Apollo Managing General Agency having established the many varied processes and systems to support their growth. Prior to Apollo, she held a similar position with Newport General Agency which was acquired by AmWINS. Sheree’s additional underwriting leadership roles were at Harbor Insurance Managers and North American Managing General Agency. She also worked for Tri-Star Insurance Agency and American Hallmark Insurance Company early in her career.
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Sheree Davis was last modified: July 14th, 2022 by
Enjoys gardening, travel, and antique shopping.
- Non-Standard Auto
- Standard Automobile Insurance Agencies