Now quote, bind, pay, and download Special Event and Wedding policies for your customers!

Access the USLI Coverage you’re interested in by clicking on the link
below or call 800-659-8021 for an over-the-phone instant quote:

- 1-4 Family Dwellings (Commercial)
- Apartments
- Artisan/Trade Contractors
- Beauty/Nail Salon/Barber Shop
- Beer, Wine, Liquor Stores
- Builder’s Risk
- Clothing Store
- Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability
- Concessionaire and Vendor
- Contractor’s Equipment
- Electronic Store
- Fitness Center
- Home Based Business
- Janitorial Services
- Land Leased to Others
- Laundromats
- Lawn Care
- Lessor’s Risk Only
- Main Street Mercantile
- Residential Condominium Unit Owners
- Restaurants
- Specialty Training Schools
- The Office
- Truckers
- Vacant Building
- Vacant Land
If you are not appointed with us, please click here to get appointed.