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Roofing Contractors Coverage
At Breckenridge, we deliver solutions that roofing contractors require and deserve. We have the relationships with carriers that have a longstanding presence in the construction industry and have protected thousands of commercial and residential contractors’ interests. Our expertise as a wholesaler goes well beyond sourcing to delivering a viable and competitive solution that best suits the situation.
- Top-Rated Carriers
- Multi-State Capabilities
- Solid Expertise and Market Relationships
- Prompt Turnaround and Service
- Competitive with Standard Markets
- Uninsured Subcontractor Coverage Available
- Roofing Contractors
- Includes Hot Tar Roofers
- Uninsured / 1099 subcontractor coverage available
- Commercial General Liability
- Following Form Excess
- Workers’ Compensation ($150,000 minimum premium)
- Industry Specific Coverage Available:
- Contractors Blanket Additional Insureds
- Primary & Non-Contributory Wording
- Blanket Waiver of Transfer of Rights
- Per Project Aggregate
- Completed ACORD
- Completed Supplemental
- Loss Runs – 5 Years currently valued
- 2 years job list or cert holder list
- 5 Years premium, payroll & receipts
- Top-Rated Carriers
- Multi-State Capabilities
- Solid Expertise and Market Relationships
- Prompt Turnaround and Service
- Competitive with Standard Markets
- Uninsured Subcontractor Coverage Available
Target Classes
- Roofing Contractors
- Includes Hot Tar Roofers
- Uninsured / 1099 subcontractor coverage available
Lines of Business
- Commercial General Liability
- Following Form Excess
- Workers’ Compensation ($150,000 minimum premium)
- Industry Specific Coverage Available:
- Contractors Blanket Additional Insureds
- Primary & Non-Contributory Wording
- Blanket Waiver of Transfer of Rights
- Per Project Aggregate
Submission Requirements
- Completed ACORD
- Completed Supplemental
- Loss Runs – 5 Years currently valued
- 2 years job list or cert holder list
- 5 Years premium, payroll & receipts
For coverage, click on the button below to locate and contact one of our expert Breckenridge Insurance team members or email us at solved@breckis.com for assistance.
“Again, I want to thank you for all your help! I really do appreciate it. I don’t think there are many companies out there who would be willing to work with us as much as you did!!”
Insurance Agency Office Manager

Roofing was last modified: November 9th, 2023 by