In this climate we have seen a hardening in Directors & Officers coverage and carriers exiting the markets for condo, homeowner and property associations. We have access to D&O and many other coverages for these classes as a package or stand-alone solution. Our specialists understand these coverages and can expedite your submission so you can retain your insureds with greater ease.

  • Multiple admitted carriers (with non-admitted for tougher risks)
  • Limits up to $5MM and more with XS layering
  • Broad Coverage
  • Quick Turn Around on Nonprofit and Condo/HOA/POA D&O

Coverages in a Management Liability Package can include:

  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Fiduciary
  • Crime
  • Employed Lawyers
  • Kidnap & Ransom
  • Cyber

Submission Requirements:

  • Appropriate D&O application for class
  • Loss Runs (5 years Currently Valued Company)
  • If for-profit association: financials, list of board of directors, org chart

We can also write Cyber, K&R, Employed Lawyers, EPLI, Fudiciary, Crime and XS Side A on a stand-alone basis.  

For submissions, please email moc.sikcerb@rentrap or contact your Breckenridge Insurance broker here.
Looking for Directors & Officers coverage for COA/HOA/POA? Yes, we still write that, and more! was last modified: July 21st, 2021 by Breckenridge Insurance Services